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Why Does Central Catholic Have So Many 校友 Teachers?

学生 leaping in stands (Spirit Day 2020)


Has your teacher ever mentioned an experience they had when they were a student at CCHS? Have you seen pictures of your 老师 wearing the Central Catholic uniform years ago? 你有没有注意到,在你的网站上,很多老师的名字旁边都有毕业年份?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you have probably wondered: why is it that Central Catholic has so many alumni 老师? 包括积极的人际关系和“家庭”环境在内的因素有助于解释这一现象, but are there also disadvantages to this phenomenon?


At the outset, it is essential to know the facts. According to the Associate Director of 招生 at Central Catholic, Ms. Taylor Sacco, “about 40% of our 教师 & 工作人员 are alumni of CCHS, St. 玛丽的,或者PMA.” There are 127 faculty and staff members at Central Catholic, meaning that 51 of them are graduates of the school. 相比之下,大约是9.6% of faculty members at Austin Prep are alumni, 6% at Bishop Fenwick High School, and 4.4% at Phillips Academy Andover. 换句话说, 与该地区的许多其他私立学校相比,中央天主教学校的校友教师比例要高得多.


Reason #1: Welcoming Environment


Ms. 12岁的蕾妮·乔伊特

Ms. Lanie 乔维特(左), 她是科学系的老师,也是中央天主教2012年毕业班的成员, 总结了这个想法, 她说:“中央天主教真的是一个特别的地方,很多孩子在这里的时候都把它称为家.“CCHS亲切友好的环境给学生的一生留下了持久的影响.

For many alumni 老师, including Mr. 罗伯特·贝内代托(Robert Benedetto,见下图)是1989届中央天主教科学系学生, “回到这里教书就像回家一样”,因为学校的支持和培养. Throughout four years of academics, 体育, and other 课外 activities, students at CCHS can build relationships with peers, 老师, and coaches that last a lifetime.


Teacher in a science classroom


夫人. Rebekah Miner, English Teacher

New 老师 to the school, including 夫人. Rebekah Miner (English Department, 右), immediately notice the warm and welcoming community that is unique to this school. 在夫人. Miner’s first week teaching here, 令她印象深刻的是,“这里的教职员工真的很关心彼此,关心学校”,并努力“营造一个积极的学习(和工作)环境”.”

As emphasized during the admissions process, CCHS当然有一个令人难以置信的家庭氛围,这使它成为一个令人愉快的工作场所,也是一个特别的地方,据女士说。. 乔维特. 此外, 就这个话题接受采访的两位校友教师都同意,他们不想在中央天主教以外的任何地方教书,因为他们觉得自己真正属于这里. 这种友好的环境是许多CCHS教师是学校校友的主要原因.

Reason #2: Positive Relationships

学生和教职员工之间的积极关系也解释了教职员工校友比例异常高的原因. 据先生说. 贝内代托,他在CCHS的经历让他喜欢上了以前讨厌的学校. 他说, “the relationships formed here as students, between students and 老师, … are fairly unique” in terms of the abundance of positive connections. 中央天主教鼓励学生与其他学生、老师和教练建立牢固的关系, 让学生掌握人际交往技巧,如果他们的学校不培养这些类型的关系,其他学校的学生可能无法获得这些技巧.

据女士说. 乔维特, each of these 老师 and coaches “take pride in [their] students, 运动员, 彼此之间,” and the students can certainly see this in everyday life here at CCHS.

Another contributor to the positive experience at the school is the diversity of students. 学生 at this school come from a myriad of different cultural, 宗教, 以及经济背景, 哪一个 creates a rich student body. 是女士. 乔维特称, 这种“充满了许多友谊和特殊关系的难忘经历”有助于打破不同背景的学生之间的社会障碍.


While this phenomenon is certainly advantageous in many ways, there are also potential downsides of having so many alumni at our school. After interviewing four 老师 at the school, 有这么大比例的校友出现了一些潜在的问题.

第一个, 有这么多参加过CCHS的教师意味着大部分教师都有类似的学术背景, 哪一个, 先生. Benedetto声明, “could prevent [the 老师] from looking at things in many different ways.此外,. 乔威特指出,校友教师可能“对‘他们的’方式太过满意,以至于(他们)可能不太愿意改变他们作为教师或教练的方式。.”

Mr. 罗纳德·鲁索, a teacher from the Religious Studies Department pictured below, 他补充说,大量的校友教师可能会导致“盲目尝试新事物”,因为教师们对他们在CCHS学习和工作后已经熟悉的理念和传统感到舒适. In support of this idea, 夫人. 米纳提到了在公立高中上学和教书对她的好处,因为她有, “first hand experience with schools that have a different tone or atmosphere.”

Mr. 罗恩·罗素和学生们

Because it is essential that a school’s faculty have a wide variety of ideas, 方法, 和观点, 像CCHS这样的学校,有相当比例的教师是校友,必须保持警惕,不要太墨守成规.


Despite these disadvantages however, 所有接受采访的老师都同意,有很大一部分教师是学校的毕业生是非常有益的. 从CCHS毕业的老师可能更能理解现在的学生正在经历的事情,因为他们在学校时有过类似的经历. Additionally, having these alumni 老师, 先生. Benedetto声明, “为学生群体创造了连续性……尽管(中央天主教)发生了很多变化,, so much of the core is still the same,” and the values at the school have been consistent.

The 老师 strive to carry on the traditions that our school takes pride in. Ms. 乔维特指出,当她去年开始教学时,“重要的是(她)已经了解了CCHS的系统,并且可以用(她)自己的经验来帮助他们”. 校友会教师对中心有益,因为他们能够传递“圣母家庭精神”,像先生一样. Russo calls it, to the next generation of Central Catholic students.


So, the question “why does Central Catholic have so many alumni 老师?这可以解释为在CCHS,老师和学生的友好环境以及学生在学术生活的各个领域形成的积极关系, 课外, 和社会). 这种现象确实存在一些潜在的缺点:缺乏多样化的学术背景可能会阻碍新思想和新观点的发展. 然而, 这种现象也是非常有益的,因为它使学校的价值观和传统继续在教师和学生群体中生存.


“It speaks volumes … that so many alumni return to teach and/or coach at Central,” says Ms. 乔维特. This is a sentiment 哪一个 resonates with many students and faculty at Central Catholic. One can really get a sense of the quality of the school by how many students want to return, 令人吃惊的是,在这里的四年里,有多少学生学会了把这所学校当作自己的家. If a school is able to create an environment where so many feel at home, then it is no wonder that so many Central Catholic faculty and staff are also alumni.

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Milena is a sophomore and will be part of the CCHS graduating class of 2026. 她是《欧亚体育》的作家 掠袭者审查.

Milena's favorite subjects are math and history. She enjoys drawing, reading, and playing piano in her free time. She usually likes to write about historical topics. Milena plays soccer, basketball, tennis, and karate. She has an older sister and three guinea pigs. She participates in clubs such as Art Club, Student 校友 Association, and Liturgical Band. 米莱娜来自纽伯里, 麻萨诸塞州, 她从小学到中学都在纽伯里波特的无玷受孕学校上学.

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